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A Little Background...
Becky and Ronnie have a friend named Thomas. He is one of the most creative and talented builders there is. Thomas did several haunted houses from family and friends over the years. We wanted to do it again, but slightly bigger. Both Becky's Dad and Thomas's Dad went by Pappy before they each passed.

Pappy Pete
Becky's dad, Pete, was always the camp counselor. He loved making up games from kids to play outside. One Christmas he invented a game we called 'wild rudolph' for all the cousins. We played for years and even passed it on to our kids.

Pappy Tom
Thomas dad, Tom, was a Richmond police officer and fireman before medically retiring. He became Pappy within the Fire Dept. because he was older then the majority when he changed career paths. A lover of people and especially kids, the title Pappy became known by many.